The Recap: A weekly update from Architecture and Design Scotland

A man wearing a suit sitting in a chair in a glass building, facing a woman in a striped top with a camera phone on a tripod between them.
Published: 20/05/2024

Welcome to the Recap - a short weekly update blog from Architecture and Design Scotland. This is based on our internal blog that is shared with staff and board members on Fridays. 

This week we held our latest meeting of our Board, we attended a reception to mark the 30th anniversary of Planning Aid Scotland, caught up with our sponsor team, participated in the RTPI Scotland Awards, and prepared video content for an upcoming social media campaign.

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week, led by the Mental Health Foundation, runs between 13 – 19 May this year. With their theme ‘Movement: Moving more for our mental health’, we are encouraged to take part in physical activity to improve our mental health, life quality and wellbeing. 

We recently shared a blog on our website that explores how architecture and design can make a positive impact on mental health. Please help us share this new article across your network where possible

For more information on Mental Health Awareness Week, visit their website here.

Board meeting

Our Board met online, and covered papers on risk, business continuity and presentations on our upcoming social media campaign as well as a reflection on our recent work on town centre living. 

Planning Aid Scotland 

Last Wednesday evening, our Director of Design Heather Claridge and Chief Executive Jim MacDonald headed to the parliament to attend a reception marking the 30th anniversary of Planning Aid Scotland. Hosted by Sarah Boyack, the event was well attended. The new planning minister Ivan McKee was there to give a keynote address. It was great to hear his positive remarks not just about Planning Aid Scotland, but about the role of planning and related disciplines in tackling climate emergency, creating great places etc. 

RTPI Scotland Awards

Jim is on the judging panel for this year’s RTPI Scotland Awards and joined his fellow judges to begin the process of whittling the entries down to a shortlist. Shortlisted entries will be visited and/or interviewed later in the month before the results are announced in June.

SURF Delivering Place Based Regeneration Initiatives event

On Thursday Laura Hainey was able to attend the SURF Delivering Place-Based Regeneration Initiatives event at Kinning Park Complex. Well attended the event shared the learning from and celebrated two of their award winners – Vibrant Gala and GovanHelp.

The presentation from Vibrant Gala showcases initiatives in Galashiels from a monthly market (which has led to some stall holders opening permanent shops in the town) town murals, a weaving festival, and the Tapestry Way. 

Following this GovanHelp spoke about the Govan Pantry which was developed as a result of need at the height of the pandemic, and then tailored to suit the needs of the diverse community. Funding enabled them to create a beautiful shop unit (brief -“which wouldn’t look out of place on Byres Road”) for the people of Govan, with members able to access ten items for a small amount of money.

Laura also observed a lentil soup of the calibre that the ladle was standing up straight, a double staircase scenario at Kinning Park Complex (a former school) and shared with us a photo essay on the evolution of Underground seat upholstery. 

Our Inclusive Community Project

This week Steve Malone caught up with Capability Scotland in response to their request for further support through the co-production process for the Our Inclusive Community Project at Bertha Park, Perth. We are working together to design and facilitate future sessions. 

Scottish Government Capital Investment Network meeting for NHS Scotland

On Wednesday morning Danny H, Steve and Heather attended the latest online SG Capital Investment Network meeting for NHS Scotland - this one focusing on Whole System Infrastructure Planning. The updates and presentations gave some helpful insight into discussions with our partners NHS Assure later that afternoon for how we might help support SG and some early NHS Board adopters through the scenario testing phase of the WSP taking a strategic design and ‘learning by doing’ approach.

A&DS and RIAS Scottish Student Awards for Architecture 2024

This year's student awards are now open for submissions. Please help us spread the word across your social networks if possible by sharing this page.

For those of you who aren't aware, last year, we changed two of our award categories. The award categories are now:

  1. RIAS Rowand Anderson Silver Medal for Best 5th (or Final) Year Student 
  2. Architecture and Design Scotland Award for Best 3rd Year Student 
  3. Architecture and Design Scotland Placemaking Award
  4. Architecture and Design Scotland Designing in a Changing Climate Award
  5. The RIAS Andy MacMillan Drawing Award

The deadline for submissions is on 26 June at noon.

Coming soon… 

Details for our next Place Forum (which will take place in June), our May newsletter, getting to know our neighbours and colleagues in EFI and much more…