About us

Our vision is a Scotland whose places are healthy, sustainable and thriving, where everyone works together to shape their future.

A young girl in a hijab presenting her work in a workshop to a group of people. A red canopy in the park is presented on the screen behind her.
a group of young children play underneath a multi coloured inflatable object.

The role that we play

As Scotland’s design champion, we use our expertise and networks to promote the value of good architecture and design in providing people-centred, climate-conscious advice on buildings, spaces and places in Scotland.

Image credit: Brian Hartley

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About Architecture and Design Scotland

We were set up in 2005 by the Scottish Government as an executive Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB). We provide leadership on how Scotland’s places are designed, planned, delivered and sustained.

We will promote people-centred, climate-conscious design and work with our partners to achieve net zero, address inequality, create opportunity, and inform innovation in the way wider public services are delivered. 

We will continue to use our architecture and design expertise to support partnerships which use a whole-place, collaborative approach and create an accessible knowledge base for our stakeholders. We will show what design-led, place-based collaboration means in practice, outline the benefits it brings, give examples of how it can be done and work with our partners to remove the barriers that stop it from happening.

Learn about Architecture and Design Scotland in this 2 minute video

A short video to introduce Architecture and Design Scotland. Video by David P Scott
A woman draws a line on a whiteboard during a Place Standard workshop for St Andrews Drive, Glasgow.

Our plans and strategies

Discover how we plan to transform the way Scotland’s places are designed, adapted and sustained in our Corporate Strategy 2021-31.

Image credit: GoWell

Read our strategy

Our values

  • Generous: we are generous with our time, ideas and experience

  • Open: we are open and approachable

  • Accountable: we keep the promises that we make and do our work with integrity

  • Inquisitive: we are curious and seek creative solutions

  • Supportive: we support people and organisations to be their best

A group of people sit around a white table with multi coloured notes and pens
Staff members work together in a workshop in Edinburgh Futures Institute

Our people

People make places. And all the people at Architecture and Design Scotland know that. Our team draws experience and insights from a range of backgrounds and professions. We all believe passionately in the ability of good design to transform places. That is what unites us. We are here to enhance lives and make communities better, by using design and design thinking.

Find out more about our board, our team and our volunteer panel of experts.

Image credit: Architecture and Design Scotland

Meet our people
A woman giving a talk to an audience. The audience is sitting on large round tables.

How we can help you

Collaboration is everything. We work together with community groups, architects, local authorities and all the key stakeholders to ensure the places we make are the best they can be.

Image credit: Alan Devlin, Crichton Trust

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A place for inspiration

The partners behind the Place Standard tool have developed a site devoted to promoting the benefits of place and place-based working. Learn more on the Our Place website.

Header image credit: Miss Lydia Photography

Resource: Corporate Strategy 2021-31

Read about the importance of place, our aim for the coming decade, and how we believe our work will lead to change.