The Recap: A weekly update from Architecture and Design Scotland

A group of people listen stand outside the Riverside Museum in Glasgow, listening to a tour guide.
Published: 26/09/2024

Welcome to the Recap - a short weekly update blog from Architecture and Design Scotland. This is based on our internal blog that is shared with staff and board members on Fridays. This blog, for the week ending 20 September, focuses on our big event of the week 'What next for place?' in Glasgow.

What next for place? Unlocking the power of place: design, data and collaboration

On Wednesday and Thursday, we helped to deliver the in-person event 'What next for place? Unlocking the power of place: design, data & collaboration' in Glasgow.

Imagine a future where place-based policies and practices are driven by the stories and identities that make our communities unique. What if we could harness the power of design and creativity to forge meaningful and equitable partnerships? How can this collaborative approach lead to positive outcomes for people, the places we inhabit, and the planet itself? 

The sold out event was a unique opportunity for academics and practitioners from a wide range of professions and disciplines to come together to share insight and ignite discussions around placemaking. Over two days, participants took part in speaker sessions, walking tours of Glasgow, and a workshop.

In attendance from A&DS was Alex Laurenson (Interior Designer), Danny McKendry (Principal Landscape Architect), Kate Hendry (Principal Design Officer), Lynne Lineen (Director of Outreach) and Morag Bain (Principal Design Officer) in organisational roles, while while Heather Claridge (Director of Design), Ian Gilzean (Head of Innovation and Digital Place) and Jim MacDonald (Chief Executive) all spoke at the event.

This event was organised in collaboration with Arts and Humanities Research Council’s Place Programme, University of Glasgow, and Academy of Urbanism, supported by LUC. Outputs from the event will be shared in the coming weeks.